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Dear Visitors!

Here you will find informations on the most important events of the Cyprus shipping industry and more. Reports will be passed by Mr. Adam Barecki, one of the directors at Unibaltic Holding Ltd., who will participate in most of them personally. We also invite you to follow the twitter account of Mr. Adam Barecki (@UnibalticHolLTD) and his LinkedIn profile (Adam Barecki).

You will find there plenty of interesting informations in the fields of economics, shipbuilding and maritime industry as well as politics and sports.

08-09.11.2018 ShipCon 2018.

On November 8th-9th, 2018, Mr. Adam Barecki will take part in the conference „ShipCon 2018” organized by the Cypriot branch of the YoungShip association under the auspices of the Deputy Ministry of Shipping Mrs. Natasa Pilides and Cyprus Shipping Chamber. Soon we provide more informations.

17.10.2018 Cyprus Shipping Chamber monthly meeting.

At 17th of October 2018 Mr. Adam Barecki participated in the October Member’s meeting. The CSC and the U.S. Embassy in Nicosia co-organized a ceremony to recognize shipping companies participating in the U.S. Coast Guard’s voluntary AMVER program.

Few words about AMVER or Automated Mutual-Assistance Vessel Rescue System is a worldwide voluntary reporting system sponsored by the United States Coast Guard. It is a computer-based global ship reporting system used worldwide by search and rescue authorities to arrange for assistance to persons in distress at sea.

Political Economic Chief of the U.S. Embassy Mr. Daniel Wartko presented the awards on behalf of the U.S. Coast Guard, recognizing participating mariners and the companies they represent.  In his remarks, Mr. Wartko said “AMVER is an excellent example of mutual assistance and partnership.  Instead of relying solely on specialized rescue operations provided by governments or official organizations—which can be overburdened or far away from the point of need—AMVER provides a way for whoever is in the area to help out.  AMVER’s success in protecting lives and property at sea stems from international cooperation between ships, companies, communication service providers, governments, and, of course, search-and-rescue authorities.”

In this year, the 17 Cyprus-based companies received awards for their participation in AMVER in 2017 year.


31.05.2018 29th annual general meeting of the Cyprus Shipping Chamber.

On 31th of May 2018 at the Four Seasson hotel in Limassol, Mr. Adam Barecki participated in the 29th annual general meeting of the Cyprus Shipping Chamber members. His Excellency, President of Cyprus, Mr. Nicholas Anastasides, took part in it. In a short speech he stressed the importance of the shipping industry as an important participator in the Cypriot economy, which from year to year has increasing it’s share in building of Cyprus’s GDP. The president assured that the Cypriot government under his leadership will make every effort to maintain a favorable environment for companies operating in this industry. At this point, he also drew attention to the fact that for the first time in the history of the country, a special Deputy Ministry of Shipping was appointed on March 2018. The President of Cyprus is well aware of the achievements and international recognition, far beyond the size and boundaries of the country.

Mr. Kittack Lim, general secretary of the IMO, also took part in the ceremony, in his address he has been describing the International Maritime World. In addition, he is a product of the IME and the Shipping Industry. A move towards an even „Greener” International Shipping Industry.

The Annual Meeting ended with the speech of the Cyprus Shipping Chamber President, Mr. Themis Papadopoulos. He made special reference to the creation of the Deputy Ministry of Shipping. In addition, he also referred to the efforts of the Cyprus Shipping Industry to implement the recent IMO decision, to further reduce greenhouse gas emissions.