Conference ShipCon 2018

Conference ShipCon 2018 @ Carob Mill, Limassol
On the 8th and 9th of November, YoungShip Cyprus hosted the 2018 ShipCon Conference – the place to be for every young maritime professional.
The conference took place in the beautiful venue of Carob Mill in the heart of Limassol. More than 200 professionals joined the Conference; experienced personalities supporting the young generations.
We are the „success story” of YoungShip International, said in the morning Philip Ioulianou, chairing the two-day International Shipcon 2018 Congress, which was first organized in Cyprus and specifically in Limassol. Specifically, as he said in his greeting, of the five members who launched YoungShip Cyprus in 2011, nowadays the members exceed 400, more than anywhere there are these non-profit organizations that make up the voice of young people in their country.
As the ShipCon 2018 director, Gina Panagiotou, told CNA, YoungShip Cyprus is the largest of YoungShip operating in 18 other countries, „this says our young people are very interested in the shipping industry, where they can find the opportunities they are looking for either to work in Cyprus or abroad „. Our aim is to encourage young people in shipping, to provide them with a platform for networking and added that this year’s conference will be highly interactive, with several workshops, offering an upgraded and different experience to the participants.
The event was organized in panels, mostly focused on youth empowerment, autonomous vessels, digitalization, blue way forward, future skills and youth matters.
Among the panelists and moderators, it worth to mention again the following great personalities who inspired the young audience, with their professionalism and commitment to the maritime industry:
- Ms. Natasa Pilides – Cyprus Shipping Deputy Minister to the President
- Mr. Andreas Chrysostomou – CSO Tototheo Maritime
- Ms. Despina Panayiotou Theodosiou – President of WISTA International
- Mrs. Danae Bezentakou – Founder of YES Forum
- Mr. Andreas Hadjipetrou – Managing Director of Columbia Shipmanagement Ltd
- Mr. Themis Papadopoulos – CEO Interorient Navigation
- Mr. Niels Hartman – CEO of Hartmann Group,
- Mr. Mark O’Neil, President, Columbia Shipmanagement.
The inaugural ceremony was attended by Deputy Minister of Shipping Natasa Pilides and the President of the BoD of the Cyprus Maritime Chamber, Themis Papadopoulos, under the auspices of the two-day conference aiming at strengthening the younger generation of shipping, strengthening the knowledge and skills giving them the opportunity to join forces.
The first panel started we a question – Cyprus, leader or follower. It was moderated by Mr. Andreas Chrystomou with below panelists:
- Ms. Natasa Pilides,
- Mr. Andreas Hadjipetrou,
- Mr. Themis Papadopoulos
- Mr. Niels Hartman,
tried to answer on a topic question.
The Shipping Deputy Minister focused on a bright side of Cyprus shipping. She stressed that Cyprus have a top class ship registry, that DMS Cyprus (Depyty Ministry of Shipping) has qualified, educated and efficient employees. Her purpose is not to treat Cyprus as a “flag state”. Other goal is to become an undisputed leader in ship management in Europe – right now the Island is classified on the 3rd position.
Other panelists added few issues that are still to improve by the Island. Attention was drawn to the lack of specialist due to the lack of specialized schools, specialist must be brought in from abroad. That Cyprus should focused its strength on aims that will make the Island more attractive – industry development to increase cargo handling in ports, maintaining favorable tax regulations. In this last aspect, good relations with EU are important.
Mr. Niels Hartman in his address stressed that Cyprus is a small Island but still an Island with a huge potential. That’s why Cyprus is not able to be a leader in every aspect of shipping industry. The government should be focused on its specific part – inter alia ship management.
All panelist agreed that the starting position of Cyprus shipping industry is good and its future mostly depends from European Union and its point of view on tonnage tax issue after 31st of December 2019. It will not be an easy clash for the Cypriot government.
After quick break the second panel has started. The main subject of discussion was maritime tourism – pros, cons and how. The panel was moderated by Mr. Sotiris Kambanellas, President YoungShip Cyprus with below participants:
- Mr. Alfredo Serrano, President Varuna Consulting
- Mr. Charles Meaby, General Manager, DP World Cyprus.
Mr. Serrano in his speech said that there is a rapid increase in the cruise ship sector around the Europe. Leaders within the EU are United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Germany and Finland. Still the undisputed world market leader is United States – with market coverage on a level about 50%. However Europe is the leader if it comes to the shipbuilding.
Taking into account the high growth of the number of people using the sea tourism, DP World decide to invest in this sector. In April 2016, DP World Limassol was awarded a 25-year concession to exclusively operate the multi-purpose terminal in Limassol. P&O Maritime, a DP World subsidiary was also awarded a 15-year concession to exclusively provide the full range of marine services in the Port of Limassol. A new modern terminal designed to accommodate the largest operating cruise vessels. The new terminal consists of seven pods with an internal area of 7,000 square meters. Along with 24-hour availability the terminal offers integrated services including Home Call and Day Call handling capability, ensuring an improved customer experience.
DP world Limassol has a draft of up to 11 metres (tide free) and three 400 metre berths that can accommodate cruise vessels. It is third addition to the cruise terminal portfolio that DP World operates globally, after cruise terminal operations in Mina Rashid, Dubai and Quinquela Martin, Argentina.
Limassol is one of the major destinations in the Mediterranean for the cruise industry with the opportunity to be the first port of call for cruise lines after transiting the Suez Canal. The terminal offers fast turnaround times for connections to both Larnaca and Paphos international airports. With favourable weather conditions throughout the year, cultural heritage, excursions and events all through, Cyprus and Limassol present the opportunity for a memorable experience.
Charles Meaby, General Manager, DP World Limassol commented: “With the opening of this new terminal, all our visitors will enjoy an even more impressive welcome. DP World Limassol continues to promote the development of tourism in Cyprus and driving economic benefits for the local and national economy”.
Mr. Meaby continued, “This is an exciting time for Limassol and Cyprus and DP World Limassol is focused on delivering a long-term legacy creating employment opportunities and helping Limassol reach its potential of becoming a fully-serviced home port for cruise ships”.
The third panel concern unmanned vessels, digitalization and new technologies in shipping industry. It was moderated by Mr. Constantine Komodromos, Co-founder and CEO VesselBot. Below panelists:
- Mr. Panayiotis Mitrou – Technology and Innovation Manager, Lloyds Register
- Mr. Yiannis Ioannidis, Senior Manager , Hacking Service Deloitte Cyprus
- Mr. Christoph Oliver Kiese, Managing Director Bluester
agreed that digitalisation procees increases the risk of hacker attacks. That’s why it’s very important to have the adequate IT protection and cybersecurity policy.
Certainly the purpose of unmanned vessel isn’t to repress the human factor from the shipping. However, it can be said that the development of new technologies will contribute to reducing the number of people on board. Mr. Kiese concluded that we can’t speak about the new era of shipping – in its full meaning. Yes, there is a lot of new technologies but they aren’t implemented massively. To resume we should to invest in it but at the same time we should used it wisely and skillfully – said Mr. Mitrou. That was the end of the first day of Conference.
The main topic of the second day was “Blue way forward”. The panel was moderated by Mr. Staphanos Stephou, Strategic planning Director, Fameline Holding Group with below panelists:
- Mr. Zacharios Siokouros, Marine and offshore business manager for Lloyd’s Register
- Mr. Alexandros Josephides, Deputy Director General / Marine Manager Cyprus Shipping Chamber,
- Mr. Eugen – Henning Adami, Managing director Masterming Group.
As the reasons for the lack of rapid development of the blue way in Cyprus mentioned lack of an uniform maritime policy, lack of extended industry, large fragmentation of the market, lack of government’s readiness to integrate the marker, sluggishness in changing the law, EU policy that is unreal from the local reality. All panelists agreed that the solution is – among others – stronger cooperation with EU to implement laws in line with its members, innovation and education. Mr. Adami announced creation of Cyprus Foundation of the See, a cluster organisation that will consists of representatives of the private and state sector. The foundation will place emphasis on innovation, research and investment. The main goal will be to determine the future for the Cypriot blue way.
The second day can be summarized as follows – Cyprus must have a plan to forward its blue way but so far the plan is not formulated clearly by the government.