Personal data administrator:

Submitted personal data shall be processed by Unibaltic  Holding Ltd. based in Cyprus at 229, Arch. Makarios III Avenue, 31005 Limassol, entered into the Register of Companies of the Department of Registrar of Companies and Official Receiver under the numer HE 276120, phone (+357)25357717, e-mail:,, acting as a personal data administrator (hereafter referred to as „Administrator”).

Our personal data shall be processed according to the following European and Cypriot legislation:

  1. the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – (EU)2016/679, the principal data protection legislation in the EU;
  2. the Law N.28(III)/2001 implementing the Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to automatic processing of Personal Data and the Law N.30(III)2003 implementing the Additional Protocol to the Convetion;
  3. the regulation of Electronic Comminications and Postal Service Law of 2004, N.112(I)/2004 as amended to date.


Manner of personal data acquisition, type and purpose of data processing:

The Administrator uses personal data for recruitment purposes, that is, in the proces of searching for appropriate candidates to recommend to the Administrator’s clients within the scope of employment, human resources, management and investments services.

The Administrator acquires personal data directly from applicants throught their e-mails sended to / and the online communicator on the Administrator’s website.

Submitted personal data is processed by the Administrator:

  1. upon the applicant’s approval (art. 6 sec. 1 letter a of the GDPR): with the purpose of applying for a job via the Administrator’s website / e-mail adresses: or; for marketing purposes; for the purposes of current and future recruitment procedures, including automated data processing, involving defining preferences and preparation of personalized job or other offers, as well as to pass the information on the Administrator’s clients, including companies of the Unibaltic Holding limited group;
  2. under art. 6 sec. 1 letter b of the GDPR: fulfilment of contract and related claims handling;
  3. under art. 6 sec. 1 letter c of the GDPR: in order to fulfill the Administrator’s legal duties, such as tax and recordkeeping obligations; in order to ensure that online services are secure (maintanance of online communicator service on the Administrator’s website), including preventing errors;
  4. under art. 6 sec. 1 letter f of the GDPR: in order to fulfill the Administrator’s legitimate by releasing personal image, transfering to other entities, pursuing claims, business planning, Administrator’s website monitoring; preparation of analysis or statictic for reporting purposes, market research, drawing up proposals for optimalization and personalization of the Administrator’s website.

In case of using the website communicator, the consent to processing of the personal data shall be confirmed by ticking appropriate boxes on the Administrator’s website.

In case of applying for a job via company’s e-mail addresses, the sender should include an appropriate clause in which he/she agreed to the processing of the personal data and acceped the privacy policy of the Administrator. The absence of the above mentioned clause result in inability to proceed further over the application.

Voluntary submission of the personal data:

Submission of personal data does not comprise statutoryduty – it’s voluntary, although it is necessary to effectively apply via the Administrator’s website and subsequently conclude and fulfill an agreement. Failure to submit one’s personal data shall result in inability to conclude an agreement or receive employment offers or other information.


Transfer of personal data and acquiring data from third parties:

Personal data may be trensferred by the Administrator to:

  1. contractors, including companies of the Unibaltic Holding Limited group;
  2. entities processing personal data on behalf of the Administrator and participating in administration and maintenance of the Administrator’s website;
  3. entities rendering legal, tax and IT services to the Administrator;
  4. entities providing postal or courier services.


Persol data retention period:

Acquired personal data shall by retaining for the period necessary to carry out the recruitment proces, 6 months from the beginning of the recruitment proces/submission of application and in case of consent for future recruitment – until the consent is withdrawn.

In case of subsequent agreements being concluded with the Administrator, personal data shall be retained for the duration of the contract and in the case of pursuing claims relating to the agreement – until their statute of limitations expires or the termination of relevant proceedings.

Your personal data processed for the purpose of tax and record keeping obligations, shall be retained for the period of 6 years from the date of the implementation of the agreement and in case of proceedings before competent public administration or court – for the period of such proceedings.

Personal data processed for marketing, investments purposes shall be retained until appropriate consent is withdrawn.


Automatic decision making and profiling:

Some personal data processed by the Administrator in relations to using the Administrator’s website may be processed in an automated way and used for profiling, that is, determining your preferences and preparing employment and other offers to best suit your needs, as well as for the purpose of future recruitment within the scope of employment and human resources services offered by the Administrator to the contractors, including companies of the Unibaltic Holding Limited group.

You may complain the Administrator regarding the use of your personal data for priofiling purposes.


Personal data processing rights:

You have following rights regarding the personal data processing:

  1. the right to demand access to personal data – including obtaining information about processed data and copy of the data;
  2. the right to correct data;
  3. the right to delete data processed in an unfounded manner or when the data is not essential for the purpose for which it has been obtained;
  4. the right to demand restriction of data processing;
  5. the right to transfer personal data to another data Administrator;
  6. the right to object to data being processed;
  7. the right to withdraw the consent to proces personal data when data processing is not necessary to implement the contract, filfill legal obligation or does not constitute the Administrator’s legitime interest.

The above rights may be exercised by submitting an appropriate statement to the Administrator – personally, via traditional postal service or an e-mail at: /

The Administrator is authorized to to authenticate the identity of the person submitting such statement.

The ability to exercese a given right depends on the purpose and legal basis of data processing.

The right to object to data being processed for the purpose of direct marketing constitutes a special right and may be exercised at any time and obliges the Administrator to cease to proces data for such purposes.

Moreover, a complaint to the Office of the Commissioner for Personal Data Protection may be filed in the view of personal data processing breaching the legistalion.



The Administrator shall implement Technical and organizational measures to ensure security of the processed personal data, that correspond to potential threats and category of protected data.




Similar to other commercial websites, Unibaltic Holding Limited utilize standard technology called “cookies” and web server logs to collect information about how the service is used.

What are cookies and what data do they collect?

Cookies are a feature of web browser software that allows web servers to recognize the computer used to access a website. These small pieces of data are stored by a user’s web browser on the user’s hard drive.

There are many different types of cookies and uses of data collected by them. Information gathered through cookies and web server logs may include the date and time of website visits, the pages viewed, time spent on our website, and the websites visited just before and just after our website.

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Third-party analytics services:

We may use services hosted by third parties, such as Google Analytics, to collect information about how users use our site, allowing us to compile reports and improve its functionality. Some third party services collect aggregated non-personal information, such as the information sent by a browser as part of a web page request, IP addresses, time and duration of website visits, and/or how you found our website, such as via a search engine or social media.


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How to manage your cookies:

Since many websites rely on cookies and/or other tracking tools to help tailor a user’s experience, most Internet browsers are initially set up to accept them. You can disable cookies or other types of tracking tools through your computer or device’s Internet browser settings. However, some parts of this website may not operate correctly if you disable cookies. You should check your Internet browser settings if you have any questions regarding disabling cookies.